Rain, Sunshine, and Other Annoying Metaphors

Life is a power play. In any relationship, situation, or even thought process there are always forces venturing to gain power over one another, be it a person trying to influence another into an agreement, the volatility of life attempting to take over, or even your own brain and mindset fighting with your desires. You have a duty to assume responsibility. Once you learn how to control what you’re capable of, you conversely learn to let go of what you can’t, making it easier to exist within the confines of your life. Living is akin to taking a walk during a rainstorm – occasionally terrorizing, sometimes pointless, and always violently exhilarating.

People find themselves in lifestyles where they perpetually are not at the helm of their own sentience and they don’t even realize it. Being in control means putting in a real genuine effort to do everything in your organic power to accomplish what you WANT. Command of your life means pinpointing what you ACTUALLY desire in spite of your own mental shortcomings, the world around you being (at least in layman’s terms) set against you, and the people surrounding you competing with you to win both power and control. Not to say that the totality of your environment and nature is aiming to make you fail, but shit’s just not going to work out – you’ve got to MAKE it.

There are so many things that are outside of your frame of functionality such as weather, health (mental or physical), other people, ect… thus you ought not to agitate yourself over them. But your preparedness for and reaction to events that are out of your capability is directly and firmly WITHIN your frame of functionality. Ergo, control what you CAN and let go of what you CAN’T. At the end of the day, it’s not in your power to stop it from raining, but you sure as hell are able to bring an umbrella when it’s cloudy.